Medicine Hat Minute: Stampede Returns, Aurora Sale, and Skateboard Ban Repealed

Medicine Hat Minute: Stampede Returns, Aurora Sale, and Skateboard Ban Repealed


Medicine Hat Minute - Your weekly one-minute summary of Medicine Hat politics


This Week In Medicine Hat:

  • There are three meetings scheduled at City Hall this week, beginning with a meeting of the Public Services Committee tomorrow at 8:00 am. At this meeting, the Committee will receive the 2021 Medicine Hat Public Library Report, discuss support for Ukrainian refugees, and receive a Managing Director's Service Area Update which will include information about the Monarch Theatre, e-scooter program, and Adopt-a-Tree pilot program.

  • On Wednesday, there will be a meeting of the Municipal Planning Commission at 2:30 pm. During this meeting, the Commission will discuss a number of development permits, including an application for development of an office suite at Bay 7 within Ross Creek Business Complex at 851 Industrial Avenue SE.

  • On Thursday, there will be a meeting of the Corporate Services Committee at 11:00 am, but no agenda has been published for this meeting yet.


Last Week In Medicine Hat:

  • An 18-year ban on skateboarding in the City’s downtown core has been repealed. The decision was met with punk music and a skateboard show which took place just across the street from City Hall. Although skateboarders were delighted with the decision, the move also paves the way for an e-scooter rental pilot project this spring.

  • The Medicine Hat Stampede announced a return to normal Canada Day festivities after a two-year, pandemic-related hiatus. A full lineup has been planned, including favourites like the parade, live music at the free stage, delicious food, and a fireworks show.

  • Recent regulatory filings by Aurora Cannabis showed that the Aurora Sun greenhouse sale is in its final stages. The head of the City’s Economic Development Office called the impending deal "very positive news". The greenhouse and processing facilities were never completed and have been vacant since 2020. When the development was originally announced, Council forgave $5.7 million in offsite levies to pay for bringing services to the site, which was once expected to attract 400 jobs. Remember that the next time they say giving your taxpayer money to a project will create jobs!




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