Councillor Survey Question 6

Everyone says they support affordable housing, but what does that term mean for you? Do you think the City should be subsidizing housing for lower-income residents? Or focused on keeping the cost of all housing from getting out of control? Or perhaps some combination of the two? If so, how?

Rockford Rutledge:

Affordable housing in my mind means allowing zoning for apartments, condos, fourplex’s etc. high and medium density neighborhoods allow for mor affordable options versus sprawling the city with large single family homes.


Robert Dumanowski:

Affordable housing means housing where the cost is offset by another means. The city has been a huge supporter of identifying and donating lands for new affordable housing developments. I support this continued approach.


Shila Sharps:

To be honest what I would like to see is the city control some of the lot pricing first and foremost I also think an area of the community for a tiny homes so we attract a different generation would be something we should consider.


Justin Wright:

Currently the city is subsidizing some housing in the city through community and governmental partnerships, and I believe it should continue to do so. The Medicine Hat Community Housing Society has constructed 85 units of Affordable Housing under an Affordable Housing Partnerships Initiative (AHPI) grant from the Provincial and Federal Governments and with the donation of land from the City of Medicine Hat and a variety of other private and government grants. I believe the housing market should be left to market conditions and not be meddled with at this point.


Brad Gruszie:

I believe we should be helping lower income households out. If we don’t help them then they will be homeless and their families will be homeless. I will fight to make sure that families that need help with shelter are taken care of.


Immanuel Moritz:

The Medicine Hat Community Housing Society is supported by all three levels of government. It has nearly 600 units to rent out as well as providing about 400 rent supplements. The city should continue to support this not for profit. While rent has seen an increase in the Hat, it still has some of the least expensive rates. Rental owners are subject to all the things that homeowners are: increased taxation and assessment, increased fees, and increased utility rates. For small local owners, margins are thin.

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