Cut Taxes By 20%
265 signatures
Goal: 1,000 Signatures
Cut Taxes By 20%
Hatters deserve better than the status quo.
Year after year, City Council has handed down tax hikes, eroding household budgets and funding projects that don’t align with what most residents consider essential.
Last year, property taxes went up, and now another 5.6% increase looms on the horizon.
In past years, we’ve told you about the laundry list of wasteful spending and pet projects that Council throws your money at, and called for a tax freeze.
And we could do that again this year - there’s definitely no shortage of waste!
But, frankly, things are so bad that a more radical fix is required.
That’s why this year, we’re proposing one big, bold action that - if implemented - would force a much-needed change at City Hall.
We’re proposing an immediate 20% cut in property taxes.
To be clear - we don’t mean a reduction in the rate of increase in spending (which some on Council like to call a cut).
We mean an actual, immediate, reduction in everyone’s taxes.
By 20%.
Well, it’s simple - holding the line doesn’t undo the damage already done.
10 years ago, a tax freeze might have helped.
But every year since then, we’ve seen massive tax increases.
Things are much worse than they were then.
Freezing things at a massively inflated high tax level is just freezing in place a system that isn’t working.
Simply maintaining the status quo won’t fix a broken system or relieve the burden on hardworking Hatters.
The time for bold reform is now.
A 20% tax cut isn’t just a statement - it’s a solution.
It’s the reset Medicine Hat needs to reverse years of wasteful spending and bring real accountability back to City Hall.
We need to send a message that taxpayers can’t just keep handing over more and more money every year.
This isn’t about cutting essential services - it’s about making them work better.
We need City Hall to focus on the basics - reliable water, clean streets, safe communities, and efficient transit.
But, those services can and should be delivered without wasting millions on unnecessary bureaucracy, redundant management, and overpriced consulting fees.
And if we get the City focused back on these core priorities, we should be able to deliver BETTER services at LOWER cost.
If you’re tired of being told to settle for less, join us in calling for a big bold fix at City Hall.
Sign the petition to Cut Taxes By 20%:
265 signatures
Goal: 1,000 Signatures
Cut Taxes By 20%
Hatters deserve better than the status quo.
Year after year, City Council has handed down tax hikes, eroding household budgets and funding projects that don’t align with what most residents consider essential.
Last year, property taxes went up, and now another 5.6% increase looms on the horizon.
In past years, we’ve told you about the laundry list of wasteful spending and pet projects that Council throws your money at, and called for a tax freeze.
And we could do that again this year - there’s definitely no shortage of waste!
But, frankly, things are so bad that a more radical fix is required.
That’s why this year, we’re proposing one big, bold action that - if implemented - would force a much-needed change at City Hall.
We’re proposing an immediate 20% cut in property taxes.
To be clear - we don’t mean a reduction in the rate of increase in spending (which some on Council like to call a cut).
We mean an actual, immediate, reduction in everyone’s taxes.
By 20%.
Well, it’s simple - holding the line doesn’t undo the damage already done.
10 years ago, a tax freeze might have helped.
But every year since then, we’ve seen massive tax increases.
Things are much worse than they were then.
Freezing things at a massively inflated high tax level is just freezing in place a system that isn’t working.
Simply maintaining the status quo won’t fix a broken system or relieve the burden on hardworking Hatters.
The time for bold reform is now.
A 20% tax cut isn’t just a statement - it’s a solution.
It’s the reset Medicine Hat needs to reverse years of wasteful spending and bring real accountability back to City Hall.
We need to send a message that taxpayers can’t just keep handing over more and more money every year.
This isn’t about cutting essential services - it’s about making them work better.
We need City Hall to focus on the basics - reliable water, clean streets, safe communities, and efficient transit.
But, those services can and should be delivered without wasting millions on unnecessary bureaucracy, redundant management, and overpriced consulting fees.
And if we get the City focused back on these core priorities, we should be able to deliver BETTER services at LOWER cost.
If you’re tired of being told to settle for less, join us in calling for a big bold fix at City Hall.
Sign the petition to Cut Taxes By 20%:
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