Medicine Hat Minute: Fair Entry, City Manager, and Happy New Year
Medicine Hat Minute: Fair Entry, City Manager, and Happy New Year
Medicine Hat Minute - Your weekly one-minute summary of Medicine Hat politics
This Week In Medicine Hat:
There are no Council or Committee meetings on account of the holidays. No schedule is available for January yet.
- Family activities will take place at the Big Marble Go Centre from noon to 4:00 pm on Saturday. There will be swimming, skating, family Nerf wars, floor hockey, and a variety of other games. You can ring in the new year at 3:45 pm with a countdown and balloon drop! The full schedule is available on the City’s website.
- Speaking of the new year countdown, can you believe that 2023 is already just around the corner? We hope you had a very Merry Christmas and enjoyed time with family and friends. From the team at Common Sense Medicine Hat, we would like to wish you a Happy New Year. There are a few events happening in town if you’re looking to celebrate.
Last Week In Medicine Hat:
Council approved changes to the Fair Entry Program, expanding eligibility for low-income Hatters. In addition to discounted recreation programs and admissions at Big Marble Go Centre, Crestwood Recreation Centre, and outdoor pools, an extra $300 credit is available per eligible household through utility bill credits. The City’s website has all the details for those needing to access the program.
- Council has appointed a new City Manager. After a search that lasted almost the entirety of 2022, Ann Mitchell will be in the role as of February 6th. Mitchell is currently the Chief Administrative Officer of Lethbridge County, and has worked in several other municipalities in Ontario. Among her degrees and certificates are a Master of Arts, a Master Certificate in municipal management, and a diploma in municipal administration.
- Medicine Hat, much like the rest of the province, was under an extreme cold warning. Wind chill values of -40 C or colder chilled Hatters to the bone. Despite the cold, the Mustard Seed shelter has not yet reached capacity. While there has been an uptick of those seeking shelter, there is still room to accommodate anyone who needs assistance.
Common Sense Medicine Hat doesn't accept any government funding and never will. We think you should be free to choose, for yourself, which organizations to support. If you're in a position to contribute financially, you can make a donation here.
If you're not in a position to donate, we understand, but if you appreciate our work, you can help by spreading our message. Please email this post to your friends, share it on Facebook or Twitter, and help make sure every Hatter knows what's really going on at City Hall.
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