Medicine Hat Minute: Recreation Report, Police Survey, and Environmental Framework Delayed

Medicine Hat Minute: Recreation Report, Police Survey, and Environmental Framework Delayed


Medicine Hat Minute - Your weekly one-minute summary of Medicine Hat politics


This Week In Medicine Hat:

  • The Public Services Committee will meet on Monday at 3:45 pm. The Committee will hear the Annual State Of Parks And Recreation Report 2023, as well as a Managing Director's report about the Medical First Responders Provincial Funding Announcement.

  • Nominations are now open for the Community Foundation of Southeastern Alberta's inaugural Top 7 Over 70 Gala, recognizing seniors who have made significant contributions to their community after the age of 70. The awards, inspired by Calgary's Top 7 Over 70 Awards, aim to celebrate achievements in philanthropy, business, sports, arts, and community service. Nominations will be accepted until August 26th, and the gala will be held in October.

  • Medicine Hat MP Glen Motz is seeking feedback from constituents on the federal government's tax, debt, and inflation policies. Motz has launched a survey with specific questions for families, individuals, and business owners to hear more about their challenges, noting that he will use the survey to bring Hatters’ concerns to Ottawa. The deadline for survey responses is March 15th, and constituents can participate online.


Last Week In Medicine Hat:

  • Despite a slow year in 2023 for residential construction, interest in larger housing types has been trending upwards, according to the City, and several rezoning applications hav been submitted to the Municipal Planning Commission. Proposed projects include a rezoning application for a large lot on Paul Stober Way to allow apartments between two hotels in Southlands, a half block of land at Second Street SE near Maple Avenue rezoned for medium-density residential projects, a proposal to add an extra storey to a multi-family project next to Luther Manor, and land near Harlow for two four-storey condominium blocks.

  • The completion of the "Environmental Framework and Action Plan," aimed at reducing energy and water use in city facilities, may be delayed until the summer. Originally scheduled for April, the feedback process on the draft Framework is underway, but the City felt that the timeline was too short. Now, Council will discuss the draft in June, aiming for formal approval in July.

  • The results of a public survey conducted by the Medicine Hat Police Service revealed an overall satisfaction rating of 71%, reflecting a 6% increase in satisfaction since 2011. However, the survey also indicated that 29% of respondents feel uncomfortable in the downtown area, a significant rise from 19% in 2017. In response to these concerns, the Police Chief said there are plans to increase police presence downtown and support the vulnerable population dealing with mental health issues and addictions. The survey also noted improved satisfaction levels with the police's communication with the community, reaching 70% compared to 57% in 2014.




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  • Common Sense Medicine Hat
    published this page in News 2024-02-25 23:22:21 -0700