Medicine Hat Minute: Turbulent Weather, Collaborative Efforts, and the Summer Pro Rodeo

Medicine Hat Minute: Turbulent Weather, Collaborative Efforts, and the Summer Pro Rodeo


Medicine Hat Minute - Your weekly one-minute summary of Medicine Hat politics


This Week In Medicine Hat:

  • There will be a meeting of the Public Services Committee today at 8:00 am. The Committee is set to receive presentations on the impacts of last week's storm and of COVID-19 on Medicine Hat residents, as well as a Managing Director's Service Area Update.

  • On Wednesday, there will be a meeting of the Municipal Planning Commission at 2:30 pm. Up for discussion is a development permit application for a single detached house on 1123 6th Ave SE. The Commission will also discuss permit applications that have been approved from July 4th to 10th.

  • Some of the province's best cowboys and cowgirls are descending upon Medicine Hat for the Summer Pro Rodeo at the Medicine Hat Exhibition & Stampede. The event kicks off Thursday, so grab your hat and head on down to watch the riders compete on the best stock in the province.


Last Week In Medicine Hat:

  • Communities across Southern Alberta were hit with turbulent weather, including a tornado that touched down just east of the city. It caused a power outage that left many residents without power. The City's utility department estimated about 7,400 customers were affected.

  • The stormy weather saw collaboration between the City of Medicine Hat and the City of Lethbridge, with Lethbridge crews dispatched in an effort to aid the Medicine Hat Utility Department in restoring power to some residents. Mayor of Lethbridge, Blaine Hyggen, said he is grateful to see the partnership between the two cities and hopes to see more collaboration on a variety of matters.

  • While inflation runs rampant, and rent prices increase virtually everywhere, the timing couldn’t have been worse for residents of the Medicine Hat Retirement Villa, who have been told they have until August 31st to find a new place to live as the Villa transitions into a hotel. The move is anticipated to affect about 20 people. The managers of the new hotel have stated they are working diligently to ensure all residents find a place to live.




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