Medicine Hat Minute: Unemployment Rates, Urban Intensification, and Cancarb Production Resumes

Medicine Hat Minute: Unemployment Rates, Urban Intensification, and Cancarb Production Resumes


Medicine Hat Minute - Your weekly one-minute summary of Medicine Hat politics


This Week In Medicine Hat:

  • There are two meetings scheduled at City Hall this week, starting with a City Council Regular meeting today at 6:30 pm. Council will begin this meeting by receiving several in-camera reports before making a motion to open the meeting back up to the public. Once the meeting is officially open, Council is set to receive a couple of presentations, including a presentation from the Medicine Hat & District Chamber of Commerce, and a presentation on the 2021 Destination Marketing Organization Annual Report. Council will also give second and third reading to a couple of bylaw amendments regarding parks and recreational areas and public roads. To close out the meeting, Council will discuss lease agreements for golf courses operating in the City.

  • There will be a Council Employee Committee meeting on Tuesday at 1:30 pm. At this meeting, the Committee will hear updates on the recruitment of two new positions within the Mayor’s office and on the 2022 Employment Engagement Survey before moving in camera and discussing the rest of the agenda out of public view.

  • The Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education is proposing a plan for the amalgamation of three schools as well as the relocation of the French-immersion program. The MHCBE Board of Trustees voted 4-1 to send the plan to the Province, who will review it this fall.


Last Week In Medicine Hat:

  • The unemployment rate for Lethbridge-Medicine Hat fell to 5.1% in April, down from 5.5% in March. The unemployment rate was slightly better than the Provincial unemployment rate, which is now 5.9%, down from 6.5% in March, and even slightly below the national average, which is now 5.2%. Keep it coming!

  • Cancarb has once again started production of carbon black, even as the Medicine Hat plant undergoes planned maintenance this month. Officials are signalling production could perhaps stall in the future, however, stating further repairs are required on a waste-heat recovery system that provides power to the city. We're still left wondering why the City should be in this business to begin with though. Wouldn’t it be best if we left the business of business to the free market?

  • City planners discussed the feasibility of developing ground-floor commercial buildings with floors of apartments or condos above to drive development in a new, high-density, mixed-use zone. A public hearing on whether the idea is suitable for Medicine Hat will continue at this week's Council meeting.




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