Medicine Hat Must Get Back To Basics
356 signatures
Goal: 2,000 Signatures
Medicine Hat Must Get Back To Basics
What is the job of a municipal government?
Many Hatters are asking this very question.
A recent water main break that led to extended water restrictions in Calgary has put core services into the spotlight.
People are questioning whether something similar could happen here, and whether the City is making good use of our tax dollars.
Despite rising property taxes, complaints about services like snow removal, pothole repairs, basic maintenance, and infrastructure persist.
And, with the budget deliberations ongoing, there is an urgent need to tell City Hall what to prioritize.
Since the inception of Common Sense Medicine Hat, we’ve been screaming from the rooftops about prioritizing core services.
This budget cycle, let's make sure City Hall is listening.
Hatters deserve reliable, efficient, and uninterrupted access to essential services that support their daily lives.
They don't want any more chaos at City Hall.
Prioritizing the maintenance and improvement of core infrastructure and services, such as water, sanitation, and roads, is the essential job of City Hall.
In fact, it should be the only job of City Hall.
Core services form the backbone of a functional and thriving city.
We must ensure there are no non-essential projects that don’t directly benefit the majority of residents.
Our resources should be allocated where they are needed most, ensuring every dollar spent makes a real difference in our community.
Residents deserve to know their taxes are being used effectively and responsibly, with a clear focus on only the necessities.
No chaos.
No pet projects.
No misplaced priorities.
Let's make sure City Hall focuses on basics.
Join us in demanding City Hall accept that Medicine Hat Must Get Back To Basics.
356 signatures
Goal: 2,000 Signatures
Medicine Hat Must Get Back To Basics
What is the job of a municipal government?
Many Hatters are asking this very question.
A recent water main break that led to extended water restrictions in Calgary has put core services into the spotlight.
People are questioning whether something similar could happen here, and whether the City is making good use of our tax dollars.
Despite rising property taxes, complaints about services like snow removal, pothole repairs, basic maintenance, and infrastructure persist.
And, with the budget deliberations ongoing, there is an urgent need to tell City Hall what to prioritize.
Since the inception of Common Sense Medicine Hat, we’ve been screaming from the rooftops about prioritizing core services.
This budget cycle, let's make sure City Hall is listening.
Hatters deserve reliable, efficient, and uninterrupted access to essential services that support their daily lives.
They don't want any more chaos at City Hall.
Prioritizing the maintenance and improvement of core infrastructure and services, such as water, sanitation, and roads, is the essential job of City Hall.
In fact, it should be the only job of City Hall.
Core services form the backbone of a functional and thriving city.
We must ensure there are no non-essential projects that don’t directly benefit the majority of residents.
Our resources should be allocated where they are needed most, ensuring every dollar spent makes a real difference in our community.
Residents deserve to know their taxes are being used effectively and responsibly, with a clear focus on only the necessities.
No chaos.
No pet projects.
No misplaced priorities.
Let's make sure City Hall focuses on basics.
Join us in demanding City Hall accept that Medicine Hat Must Get Back To Basics.
Who's Signing?

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